
Sort series-like custom columns in order

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I have a series-like custom column (collection) that can contain all books in a wider collection and their order. But when I view the collection in cops it sorts by title and there is no apparent way to sort by the collection order.

Thanks - it's good to have some specific use cases to improve COPS :-)

The default sort order for booklists depends on what you're browsing in, but in general it's by book title (sort field).
This is defined in the SQL_BOOKLIST constant for the different Calibre entities (author, serie, publisher, rating, tag, ...) or in specific BookList SQL_* queries.

So for authors it's by series and series_index, for series it's by series_index, for recent books it's by pubdate desc etc.

If you use the bootstrap2, bootstrap5 or twigged templates, you can sort these booklists by other book fields (see $config['cops_html_sort_links']) via the web interface, but not by custom column fields.

I imagine that for series-like custom columns, it would make sense to sort by the extra field by default.

Included in release 3.5.4

Mossop commented

Works wonderfully, thanks!