
Returning FileId for files and folders

Closed this issue · 3 comments

It is possible to add the FileId in the SharedFile object? It can be useful in various scenarios.

I think it's possible to easily substitute the requested information level SMB_FIND_FILE_BOTH_DIRECTORY_INFO with SMB_FIND_FILE_ID_BOTH_DIRECTORY_INFO so that we can get the FileId back


Lines 648 to 678 in 0b92729

info_format = '<IIQQQQQQIIIBB24s'
info_size = struct.calcsize(info_format)
data_length = len(data_bytes)
offset = 0
while offset < data_length:
if offset + info_size > data_length:
return data_bytes[offset:]
next_offset, _, \
create_time, last_access_time, last_write_time, last_attr_change_time, \
file_size, alloc_size, file_attributes, filename_length, ea_size, \
short_name_length, _, short_name = struct.unpack(info_format, data_bytes[offset:offset+info_size])
offset2 = offset + info_size
if offset2 + filename_length > data_length:
return data_bytes[offset:]
filename = data_bytes[offset2:offset2+filename_length].decode('UTF-16LE')
short_name = short_name[:short_name_length].decode('UTF-16LE')
accept_result = False
if (file_attributes & 0xff) in ( 0x00, ATTR_NORMAL ): # Only the first 8-bits are compared. We ignore other bits like temp, compressed, encryption, sparse, indexed, etc
accept_result = (search == SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) or (search & SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INCL_NORMAL)
accept_result = (file_attributes & search) > 0
if accept_result:
results.append(SharedFile(convertFILETIMEtoEpoch(create_time), convertFILETIMEtoEpoch(last_access_time),
convertFILETIMEtoEpoch(last_write_time), convertFILETIMEtoEpoch(last_attr_change_time),
file_size, alloc_size, file_attributes, short_name, filename))


@dtheodor : looks doable. I will see if I can find some time to work on it over the next few days.

I did some work on this, I got it working in my setup. I opened a PR #116 , not ready yet, in case you want to have a look

#116 merged in 0742e35
Will be released in the next pysmb release.