
listPath fails with "STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED" due to too broad access mask

ArtemUstynov opened this issue · 2 comments

found_entries = conn.listPath(args.service_name, folder_path)

fails with:

==================== SMB Message 0 ====================
SMB Header:
Command: 0x03 (SMB2_COM_TREE_CONNECT) 
Status: 0x00000000 
Flags: 0x00 
PID: 6504 
MID: 3 
TID: 0 
Data: 70 bytes 
SMB Data Packet (hex):
==================== SMB Message 1 ====================
SMB Header:
Command: 0x03 (SMB2_COM_TREE_CONNECT) 
Status: 0x00000000 
Flags: 0x01 
PID: 0 
MID: 3 
TID: 1 
Data: 16 bytes 

SMB Data Packet (hex):
==================== SMB Message 2 ====================
SMB Header:
Command: 0x05 (SMB2_COM_CREATE) 
Status: 0x00000000 
Flags: 0x00 
PID: 6504 
MID: 4 
TID: 1 
SMB Data Packet (hex):
==================== SMB Message 3 ====================
SMB Header:
Command: 0x05 (SMB2_COM_CREATE) 
Status: 0xC0000022 
Flags: 0x01 
PID: 0 
MID: 4 
TID: 1 
SMB Data Packet (hex):

due to :

  m = SMB2Message(SMB2CreateRequest(path,
                                              file_attributes = 0,
                                              access_mask = FILE_READ_DATA | **FILE_READ_EA** | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | SYNCHRONIZE,
                                              share_access = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE,
                                              oplock = SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE,
                                              impersonation = SEC_IMPERSONATE,
                                              create_options = FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE,
                                              create_disp = FILE_OPEN,
                                              create_context_data = create_context_data))

line 621 in base.py

FILE_READ_EA causes query to fail in my case. I think that minimal permissions should be used here or maybe this should be configurable. probably FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES will be enough, for default access and if needed more can be specified.

Fixed in pysmb 1.2.8

It appears I'm getting the same issue when trying to use SMB1 with version 1.2.8.

==================== SMB Message 0 ====================
SMB Header:

Status: NTSTATUS=0x00000000
Flags: 0x18
Flags2: 0xC841
PID: 791562
UID: 2048
MID: 4
TID: 0
Security: 0x0000000000000000
Parameters: 8 bytes
Data: 59 bytes
SMB Data Packet (hex):