
Thrust-shell.exe close problem.

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i want windows app with go-thrust.
So i don't want to open windows command line interface.
i use "go build -o MyApp.exe -ldflags "-H windowsgui"" command for build. this command work perfectly.
but when i close the program, trust-shell exe is still running..
First thrust-shell.exe is close. Second thrust-shell.exe does not close..
How can I solve this problem?

So this is a problem with OS signals. Windows just not properly send signals to child processes.
We have built a workaround at some point.
@tehbilly do you happen to remember this.

I don't remember what we did to work around this offhand, but will take a look at it later on today hopefully. Most likely we should do a defer in main() to kill child processes before parent quits.

I think the correct solution to this was to use the Thrust.SafeExit or CleanExit command