
Prototype of Filecoin in Lua

Primary LanguageLua


There is a basic implementation of multihash here as seen in multihash.lua and test-multihash.lua.

Currently this supports the following multihash types: identity, sha, sha2-256, sha2-512, blake2b-* (8-512), and blake2s-* (8-256).

Usage sample:

local Multihash = require 'multihash'

-- Multihash.encode(input, hash-name, [length-override]) -> multihash, hash-name
local multihash = Multihash.encode('Hello World', 'blake2b-256')

-- Multihash.decode(multihash, [index]) -> hash, hash-name, index
local hash, name = Multihash.decode(multihash)

-- Multihash.verify(input, multihash, [index]) -> verified, index
assert(Multihash.verify('Hello World', multihash), 'Multihash mismatch')

The actual implementations of the hash functions are hand-written in lua using luajit's bit and ffi libraries. See sha256.lua, sha512.lua, sha1.lua, blake2b.lua, and blake2s.lua for details. The main module lazy requires these so only hashes actually used at runtime are ever loaded and compiled.


There is a basic implementation of multibase here as seen in multibase.lua and test-multibase.lua.

Currently this supports the following multibase encodings: identity, base2, base8, base10, base16, base16upper, base32, base32upper, base32pad, base32padupper, base32hex, base32hexupper, base32hexpad, base32hexpadupper, base32z, base58flickr, base58btc, base64, base64pad, base64url, and base64urlpad.

Usage sample:

local Multibase = require 'multibase'

-- Multibase.encode(raw, name-or-code) -> encoded, name
local encoded = Multibase.encode('Hello World', 'hex')

-- Multibase.decode(encoded) -> raw, name
local original = Multibase.decode(encoded)

The actual implementations of the base functions are hand-written in lua using luajit's bit and ffi libraries. See base-2.lua, base-8.lua, base-16.lua, base-32.lua, base-64.lua, and base-x.lua for details. The main module lazy requires these so only bases actually used at runtime are ever loaded and compiled.