
Stats collectors for cbmonitor

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


cbagent is stats collectors package for Couchbase Server monitoring. It does not require installation on server side and could be used as CLI tool or embeded in any 3rd party Python application.

cbagent is a key component of cbmonitor project - web application for stats visualization and report generation.


  • Python 2.7
  • pip or equivalent
  • libcouchbase

Packages required for development are listed in requirements.txt.


$ pip install cbagent


Usage: cbagent [options] config.json

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --at        Active tasks
  --io        iostat
  --l         Latency
  --o         Observe latency
  --n         Net
  --ns        ns_server
  --ps        ps CPU, RSS and VSIZE
  --sg        Sync Gateway
  --x         XDCR lag

Only one flag may be selected at a time.

Project structure

Top-level project components:

  • core cbagent package
  • list for requirements for development
  • unit tests
  • setup script
  • sample configuration file(s)

cbagent package itself includes:

  • settings objects
  • store objects
  • metadata client for interaction with cbmonitor
  • sub-package with collectors
  • main CLI routine


Regardless implementation any collector instance is initialized with settings object. It could be any arbitrary Python object with a set of predefined attributes. They include cbmonitor address:

"cbmonitor_host_port"  # e.g., ""

seriesly database address:

"seriesly_host"  # e.g., ""

Polling interval:

"interval"  # e.g., 10

Cluster specification:

"cluster": "default"
"master_node": ""
"rest_username": "Administrator"
"rest_password": "password"

Notice that master_node parameter is dynamic, most collectors update it during stats collection.

Optionally it's possible to restrict list of buckets and hostnames used for stats collection:

"buckets": ["bucket-1"]
"hostnames": []

Empty list will disallow stats collection for given domain (bucket/server).

Some collectors like atop collector require additional parameters, for instance:

ssh_username  # e.g., "root"
ssh_password  # e.g., "couchbase"

Latency collector require bucket password in most cases:

"bucket_password": "password"

CLI wrappers read all these parameters from JSON configuration files. See sample_config.json for details.

Metadata client

Metadata client is a basic collection of POST requests that covers cbmonitor REST API for adding:

  • Clusters
  • Servers
  • Buckets
  • Metrics
  • Snapshots

cbmonitor uses metadata to extract actual stats from seriesly database. Usually it's only invoked when collector starts. However some collectors implement dynamic hooks for cases when new items (like servers or metrics) appear in the middle of stats collection (e.g., after rebalance).

Snapshots is a cbmonitor concept of named time frames. They mainly used for report generation, none of collectors uses it directly. However their API was added to metadata client for general cbmonitor integration.


Currently there is only SerieslyStore class which provides high level API to seriesly database. It could be replaced with any other Store implementation, only public method append() is required. Notice that cbmonitor plotter supports only seriesly backend at the moment of writing.


collectors sub-package is a set of collector implementations. All of them inherit base Collector class (cbagent/collectors/collector.py) and implement simple interface:

  • update_medadata() - adding information about new clusters, servers, buckets and metrics to cbmonitor databases.
  • sample() - one-time stats sampling.
  • collect() - infinite sampling loop with given polling interval. This method is implemented in base class.

Every collector instance embeds store and metadata client objects (see above).

There is a convention to list implemented collectors in init module of the package. It significantly simplifies imports in 3rd party applications.

Running CLI tool in development mode

First of all create vitrual environment:

$ virtualenv env

Activate it:

$ source env/bin/activate

Install required packages:

$ pip -r requirements.txt

Now you can run CLI tool:

$ python -m cbagent --ns sample_config.json

Integrating cbagent

perfrunner project (performance test automation framework) has a helper for stats collection using cbagent.

Running tests

$ make test


Code review is enabled for this project:

git remote add gerrit ssh://review.couchbase.org:29418/cbagent.git