
repository where ep-engine design specs lives


This is the repository where the EP-Engine team will keep all of it's current and past design documents.

Not familiar with writing markdown documents? Check out the .md cheatsheet.

####Writing a new design doc

Copy the template.md file and begin filling out the sections. Required sections are below:

  • Owner
  • Created On
  • Time To Complete
  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Implementation Details
  • Performance Impacts

All other fields can be labeled "(none)" if they don't apply.

####Submitting a design doc

Submitting a design document requires going through gerrit for review. The purpose of this page is to have finished design docs that can be read by product management and other teams before implementing a feature. We also don't want to clutter the space with unfinished design documents.

####Design docs for imlemented designs

All design docs which have been implemented into EP-Engine should be moved into the "completed" folder once the code has been release in a GA build to the public.

####Design docs non-longer useful feature

All design docs that are finished, but no longer needed should go into the "archive" folder to be used as a reference in case they are ever needed again.

####Suggestions for better design doc process

If you think there is a better way we can create, store, and share design documents please bring your ideas to the team to be voted on.