
Forms to Create Sprint Template Items

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Right now, we can create our own Sprint Template. However, we can only pick out of the items that I created in my external admin portal. However, we want to give the ability to anyone to create whatever type of Sprint missions they want. We also want to be able to categorize them by 'learning', 'fitness', 'productivity', 'personal'. In order to understand what the current schema layout of the Sprint Template Items are, go to the CreateSprintTemplate components and console log the response from the sanity API request which returns all of the items - look at the individual items, and see what data would be needed to send off to an external API
Screen Shot 2022-05-30 at 9 08 22 PM

This is the screen in question, where you can find the list of sanity items. I would imagine we would have a page in the LeftNav, below where it says 'SprintTemplate' where you would add 'Design Sprint Mission' and it would take you to the forms.

Please use forms with Material UI styling, using react-hook-form for validation. If you can, please write the component in TypeScript.