
I would like to add support for skins.

STEELBADGE opened this issue · 1 comments

PlantUML supports importing common themes into your diagrams like so:

!include  my_fav_skin.iuml


When you use this plugin with the server it can't read that file since it's local to the markdown file and not on the server it self.

You could include it by putting it in the "source" tag but that doesn't work if you are already including a file that you want to skin.


Add a "skin" tag which you can import the skin from. The logic would work exactly like "source" does today by reading the file and concatenating the text.

!include my_fav_skin.iuml

Having said the above I'm thinking why don't we just read the !includes line and read that file instead of using the tags? That way we can load files + skin params and anything else anyone includes?

Having said the above I'm thinking why don't we just read the !includes line and read that file instead of using the tags? That way we can load files + skin params and anything else anyone includes?

I think I have covered this in my pull request #65 @STEELBADGE . Let me know if this works for you?

@mikitex70 FYI