
stream_data dependency is missing

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Right now if you try to use graphvix, you have to also include the stream_data dependency in your project.

Steps to reproduce:

Create a new mix project

mix new test_graphvix
cd test_graphvix

Add graphvix as a dependency

defp deps do
  [{:graphvix, "~> 1.0"}]

Fetch deps

mix deps.get

Try to start application

iex -S mix

Expected: The application would start and I could play with graphvix

** (Mix) Could not start application stream_data: could not find application file: stream_data.app

It looks like stream_data is trying to be started in the list of applications. If stream_data isn't needed, it should be removed from there.

If stream_data is required then it shouldn't be set to only: [:dev, :test] in the mix.exs

I think this issue can be related.

Hey @mikowitz , I created this PR #29 to address this issue. Can you take a look please?