
Update to NestJS 8.0 / Errors

woltob opened this issue · 1 comments


I quickly tried upgrading my NestJS packages to v8 (coming from v7) and was finding an error that said

EntityManager was not imported / is not available in the UserModule (showing the Service that uses the em below).

There is likely something wrong with importing the EntityManager and injecting it.

Could you bump this project up to use the newest versions of NestJS and resolve any issues that might appear?


export class UserService {
    @Inject(forwardRef(() => UserService))
    private readonly userService: UserService,
    private em: EntityManager<PostgreSqlDriver>,
  ) {}
B4nan commented

Duplicate of mikro-orm/nestjs#27, the repository will be updated once nest 8 is officially supported, you can subcribe there.