
jDateTime class not recognized

puraminy opened this issue · 4 comments

It seems you have just registered jDate class in the JalaliServiceProvider and jDateTime is not recognized in the application
I changed jDate to jDateTime and now can use conversion methods,
however I don't know how to register or use both classes

I made some modification. But i don't have access to my system to test them. Please test and let me know if it's working.

Thank you, I updated the JalaliServiceProvider and added JDateTime.php file
now both classes are recognized
Well Done!

I have a same problem.can you explain more what should I do please?
It works fine in local,but I don't when I update files to host,I face error:ass 'Miladr\Jalali\jDateTime' not found.
if ($this->time !== false){
return jDateTime::strftime($str, $this->time);

I developed this package in Windows Env and there was some issue due to small or capital letters in file names. But with help of others it's solved know.