
Docker desktop install error, but no error message

nmcc1212 opened this issue · 4 comments

When trying to install docker desktop, it just comes up with error, is there a way to get a more verbose error message, maybe the brew command output?

Edit: image of unhelpful "error"

The error message should be logged to Open the console app, and at the top, press the start button to begin collecting logs. After the error has occurred, pause logging and search for applite and filter for errors and faults.

The brew output will be hidden, because private logging mode is turned on by default. You can follow this stack exchange answer to reveal the actual output. It's a bit tedious to do, but it would help me debug the issue.

Hi, it seems the error is due to the fact i have docker engine(not desktop version) installed

Error:\^[[0m It seems there is already a Binary at '/usr/local/bin/docker'.

which is odd, as downloading docker desktop from the docker website and running that works just fine

Hmm... Well, then the problem is with brew, so I'll close the issue. But I might add a way to view the output in the app for easier debugging.