Usage with create-react-app --typescript?
jordyvandomselaar opened this issue ยท 5 comments
At work we use create-react-app --typescript
to set up new projects, is it possible to integrate this without ejecting?
@jordyvandomselaar I don't use create-react-app
, so I don't really understand your question.
I want to use this plugin but I am using create-react-app
, I'd like to know if it's possible to do this
@jordyvandomselaar As I said previously, I have no idea how create-react-app
works. If you can configure Babel, then yes, you can use it, just add this plugin to the list.
Alright, that makes sense. Thanks for the replies! I'll close it for now.
For anyone else wondering; you cannot without using create-react-app rewired or something similar.
Reopening this for the sake of an example.
@jordyvandomselaar did you have any luck setting this up with e.g. react-app-rewired
and customize-cra
? I am looking for a way to use this package without ejecting, but having hard time to do so
EDIT: a typo