Integration samples


  • this file
  • asyncapi
    • samples
      • java
        • MqttJavaClient java consumer example
      • node
        • mqtt-node-client node consumer example
    • yaml
      • asyncapi-public.html AsyncApi web site
      • asyncapi-public.yaml AsyncApi yaml file

Build and run java example

Change the following lines in

mqttHost=app.{TODO: tenant code here}
mqttTopic=mds/tenants/{TODO: tenant code here}/notifications

with your tenant code.

Change the line in

mqttUsername=TODO: Insert here a new valid IdToken

with a new valid token. Please refer to the documentation on how to obtain a valid token.

Then, from a terminal, type the following commands:

cd asyncapi/samples/java/MqttJavaClient

./mvnw install  

./mvnw spring-boot:run

Build and run node example

Change the following lines in index.js

const host = "app.{TODO: tenant code here}";
const topic = "mds/tenants/{TODO: tenant code here}/notifications";

with your tenant code.

change the line in index.js

const token = "TODO: Insert here a new valid IdToken";

with a new valid token. Please refer to the documentation on how to obtain a valid token.

Then, from a terminal, type the following commands:

cd asyncapi/samples/node/mqtt-node-client

npm update

node index.js