
Question: how can I use this module if I am using Cloudflare for DNS management and WAF?

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I have been trying to do a POC with this module and CLI tool since it looks really exciting and we had a really bad experience with aws Amplify. I managed to deploy the canary release and the website works great although it requires some workarounds.(invalidating the proxy cloudfront, force creating the alias etc.)

How can I use this module if my dns is managed from cloudflare(since everything else is on cloudflare and we love it) without giving up from Cloudflare's WAF?


@ofhouse sorry for mentioning you here but right now, we are about to decide whether we should use canary 5 in production or not and we have some security concerns. could you please give an update about the future of this repository?

Sorry for the late reply.
Don't see the possibility to use Cloudflare and CloudFront simultaneously without chaining them together.

Would not recommend to use this module with canary 5 in production.
Cannot guarantee further updates to the module at this time since I am switching my job next month and seems like I don't have much time then for maintaining it further.