
how to change the size

lqueryvg opened this issue · 4 comments


Sorry if this is actually a PlantUML question.

Is there a way to make the icons smaller ?
I know that with sprites you can do something like...


But I don't know how to combine that syntax with your macros...

Thanks in advance.

P.S. I like the your Github name - he's one of my favourite characters from the book ;-)

Great question! Tbh, I was not aware of that syntax, so I’ll have to check if there’s an easy way to do that with the macros out of the box. I suspect, though, that I’ll have to make a slight change or add a new macro with a sprite scale parameter. Will get back to you ASAP!

And glad you caught the reference! Catch-22 is one of my favorites!

If this is a common use case, I might consider adding either a third macro definition to make it more convenient to scale the sprite, or perhaps just reorder the default arguments for the 6 parameter constructor so users can define a custom/scaled sprite without having to explicitly define the other less-used parameters. Any thoughts?