
Discussion - How to load subtitles

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Do you know how to load subtitles?

I've tried this:

        var englishSubtitle = new,;

        englishSubtitle.trackContentId = '';
        englishSubtitle.trackContentType = 'text/vtt';
        englishSubtitle.subtype =; = 'English Subtitles';
        englishSubtitle.language = 'en-US';
        englishSubtitle.customData = null;

        var videoUrl = '';
        var mediaInfo = new, 'video/mp4');

        mediaInfo.metadata = {
          title: 'My Title',
          images: [new chrome.cast.Image('')],
          tracks:  [englishSubtitle]

But it kills the app (removing the tracks doesn't kill the app).

I've also tried the mentioned method here with no luck:


I haven’t ever tried subtitles. My company doesn’t require this, so I won’t be able to help fix this. (I have no time sorry :( )

But my guess is that this will not be too difficult to add. (Since it appears to either be something that is passed through metadata or mediaInfo.)

I would figure out which is the correct method be testing on chrome desktop first.

Since it is crashing the app, most likely it will require a bit of work on the native side of the plugin.

Probably, it will be just explicitly handling the subtitle/tracks so that they are sent, received and passed to native functions correctly.

I think the code you linked is probably closer to/doing it right.

According to the official docs the tracks are a direct attribute of the MediaInfo object:

Just quickly checked 'loadMedia' in 'chrome.cast.js', looks like we aren't even sending the tracks attribute.

Really, we should just sending the entire mediaInfo object, not individual attributes, but I didn't have time to refactor this.

Ok, thanks, I'll see if I can do something, I was just playing with this.