
Cannot sendMessage() to cast URL

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello and thanks for this amazing plugin.

I have set it up and got the example with the video and pause/stop working in few minutes.

Unfortunately, that is not the use I would like to achieve: I would need to open a remote URL on the screen. I have found this project that uses Chromecast APIs and works like a charm on their web-example using Chrome browser:

Basically, I would like to achieve that using this plugin.
I have tried to adapt their implementation inside my test cordova app, but I always get issues when calling the requestSession method: the error callback gets triggered, and the error I get is: "namespace 'urn:x-cast:com.url.cast' not founded unverified"

I have tried both using the recommended App ID and namespace from the project, and also tried using one generated by me, but always get that error. After that, it looks like I can no longer close the session, not even force closing the app, so the only way to be able to scan again my Chromecast TV is to uninstall the app and re-install again, but I believe this is only a side effect of the main issue.

Thanks for any hint!

See PR #15