
'@objc' method name provides one argument name, but method has 0 parameters

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Build failed with this error.

'@objc' method name provides one argument name, but method has 0 parameters in Chromecast.swift


func checkReceiverAvailable() {
   let sessionManager = GCKCastContext.sharedInstance().sessionManager

   if self.devicesAvailable.count > 0 || (sessionManager.currentSession != nil) {
       self.sendJavascript(jsCommand: "chrome.cast._.receiverAvailable()")
   } else {
       self.sendJavascript(jsCommand: "chrome.cast._.receiverUnavailable()")


Sorry, I'm not really able to do ios fixes. (No experience)

Would you be able to repost this issue in jellyfin issues?

Is this a bug when you are using 1.0.0 branch?
If so, if you include "1.0.0" in the title that will be helpful.
I will be issuing a pull request to jellyfin today I believe. (So someone with ios experience can hopefully start helping with ios on 1.0.0.)

(But, if no one is able to help soon, I will start learning objective C/Swift to help as well. T.T)

This code has been completely re-written (no more .swift files at all) so this issue can't exist anymore.