
Agenda: Governance Jul 16 2019

lehnberg opened this issue · 4 comments

Solicit suggestions for agenda items for the Governance meeting to be held on Tuesday July 16 @ 15:00 UTC in Gitter main lobby. Please comment to provide topics or suggestions.

Proposed agenda

  1. Agenda review
  2. Action point follow ups from previous meeting
    • Status of misc. /site improvements
      • Redesign shared on /design Gitter?
      • Budget display
      • Friends of grin
      • Binaries download/onboarding flow
    • @j01tz added to SECURITY.MD
    • ETH & Grin donation addresses removed from grin-tech?
  3. RFC process update
  4. Governance process update
  5. Security
    1. Audit status
  6. Funding status
  7. Other questions

I know it was briefly discussed before, but since we'll be discussing website changes anyway, I'd like to recommend we make it easier for users to find alternative wallets (GUI, mobile, etc). Nearly every other major cryptocurrency has a nicely curated page for finding easy to use wallets. Meanwhile, Grin users are stuck with a hard-to-find wiki with a bunch of dead wallets and users in the Grin Telegram and Discord groups are stuck answering "wen windows wallet?" on a daily basis 😆

Examples (These come straight from the official websites of each cryptocurrency)

Bitcoin: https://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet
Zcash: https://z.cash/wallets/
Monero: https://web.getmonero.org/downloads/#mobilelight
Ethereum: https://www.ethereum.org/use/#_3-what-is-a-wallet-and-which-one-should-i-use

Almost forgot the most important part. My motivation for this proposal, in addition to the selfish reason of not wanting spammed with the same questions in Telegram/Discord, is a fake version of Grin++ was created and used to steal quite a few grins from an unsuspecting user[1]. My hope is that by having an official location to look for wallets, users will have a better chance of downloading the correct (non-scam) version.

[1] https://www.grin-forum.org/t/help-i-just-loged-on-my-wallet-and-all-grin-is-gone/5321

Hi David, this was already discussed in a previous governance meeting. And it is currently tracked here mimblewimble/site#127.

@quentinlesceller Sorry, I've missed a few of the recent governance meetings, and apparently wasn't a watcher on the site repo. Also, I have the memory of a goldfish. Thank you!