
Agenda: Governance, Sep 24 2019

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Solicit suggestions for agenda items for the Governance meeting to be held on Tuesday Sep 24 @ 15:00 UTC in Gitter main lobby. Please comment to provide topics or suggestions.

Proposed agenda

  1. Agenda review
  2. Action point follow ups from previous meeting
    • Site redesign live? @nijynot
    • Budget display on site? blocked
    • Binaries download/onboarding flow blocked
    • Security RFC unblocked by @lehnberg?
    • New approach to moderation team?
    • New events sub team kicked off?
  3. Security
  4. Grincon1
  5. RFC & sub-teams update
  6. Hiring a cryptographer
  7. @garyyu's resignation from core team
  8. Other questions

Added, agenda updated.

Side note: If something beyond general discussion is to come out of the meeting (like a decision for instance), it helps if there is a concrete proposal that can be evaluated.

Concrete proposal: Seek out and hire a full-time cryptographer at a maximum of $10k/month in 3-month increments to design and implement changes to Grin that improve its privacy, scalability, and usability.

This is at least as detailed as the 3 previous proposals to hire devs that were all approved, so I'm hoping it's sufficient to make a decision in this case, as well.

Great, thanks!

I would propose to add the following topic into a governance meeting, regarding my resign from Grin Council, thanks.

Context: https://www.grin-forum.org/t/a-new-journey-with-mimblewimble/6058

And regarding myself, I will continue my contributions in Grin project, still working as a part time developer, same as before. But of course, my main time will focus on Gotts project in these near months, or near years, I don’t know exact. So, to be fair, I would prefer to resign from Grin Core team and Grin Council, since those Grin’s important decision making need much time, spirit and better to focus. Sorry about that, but please don’t worry, I’m always here, just like any other enthusiastic member in this community, to provide any help I can for Grin growing.

Sure, that's been now added to the agenda, Gary.

Fixed by #197