
Agenda: Development, Feb 04 2020

lehnberg opened this issue · 2 comments

Solicit suggestions for agenda items for the Development meeting to be held on Tuesday Feb 04 @ 15:00 UTC in grincoin#dev channel on Keybase. Please comment to provide topics or suggestions.

Proposed agenda

  1. A yeasty reminiscence
  2. Agenda review
  3. Action point follow ups from previous meetings
    • Research linking commitments in grinscan.net @jaspervdm
    • Triaging research @lehnberg
    • 4.0.0 timelines doc published? @lehnberg
    • Build docs updated no min rust version?
    • Use of stable tag? @antiochp
  4. Planning
    1. Grin v3.1.0 planning
  5. testing
  6. /packaging
  7. Other questions

Still need to discuss our testing strategy, which we didn't get to in the last meeting. Would proritise this over /packaging.

Updated. Thanks for reminding me yeast, I keep forgetting to add to agenda!