
Agenda: Development, Apr 14 2020

lehnberg opened this issue · 1 comments

Solicit suggestions for agenda items for the Development meeting to be held on Tuesday Feb 18 @ 15:00 UTC in grincoin#dev channel on Keybase. Please comment to provide topics or suggestions.

Proposed agenda

  1. A yeasty reminiscence
  2. Agenda review
  3. Action point follow ups from previous meetings
  4. Status of Grin v4.0.0
  5. Becoming more soft-fork ready
    • What's grin's position on soft forks?
    • If soft-fork friendly, what (if any) changes would be required?
    • Unknown kernels
  6. How to handle upgrades after 5.0.0
  7. /packaging & releasing
  8. Other questions

Following this forum thread, I'd like to add a point to discuss our future stance on soft forks / making grin more soft-fork ready:

@DavidBurkett writes:

If we’re going to take the stance that softforks are hacks, and hardforks should be used when possible, then we’ll want to plan for more frequent hardforks. If instead we decide they’re a useful way to apply backward-compatible updates, we may choose to try avoiding hardforks at all costs.

In terms of technical implications, @tromp writes:

We need to decide how to treat blocks with unknown header version,
and kernels with unknown features. Some soft-forking is possible by accepting either, but care must be taken that the latter is properly deserialized and that signatures are still verified as much as possible.