
Agenda: Development (+ Governance), Dec 22 2020

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Solicit suggestions for agenda items for the Development meeting to be held on Tuesday Dec 22 @ 15:00 UTC in grincoin#dev channel on Keybase. Please comment to provide topics or suggestions.

Proposed agenda

  1. Antiochp update
  2. Agenda review
  3. Action point follow ups from previous meetings
    • Slatepack comms
  4. Funding request: David Tavarez Q1 2021
  5. v5.0.0 status:
  6. API listening on
  7. Aliases for wallet transaction rounds
  8. Other questions

In terms of 5.0.0 final release - is there any reason we want to wait until Jan 5 to release it?
There is no last minute AR changes that we need to wait for.

5.0.0-rc.1 is exactly what we will release, barring any last minute changes.