
Agenda: Governance, Apr 09 2019

lehnberg opened this issue · 6 comments

Solicit suggestions for agenda items for the Governance meeting to be held on Tuesday Apr 09 @ 15:00 UTC in Gitter main lobby. Please comment to provide topics or suggestions.

Proposed agenda

  1. Agenda review
  2. Action point follow ups from previous meeting
    • Non-multi-sig ETH donation address up by @ignopeverell?
    • @tromp forum post up for POW proposal?
  3. Security audit status & security vulnerability process review
  4. Proof of work
    • Related forum posts:
    • Specific questions
      1. Should we define "foreseeable future" as 18 months?
      2. Should we put phaseouts beyond AT32 on hold?
  5. Request for funding, @lehnberg
  6. Funding specific projects
    • Donating to a specific cause, like Confidential Assets etc.
  7. Grin improvement proposals
  8. Promotion of other projects
  9. Other questions

Regarding the POW post, it seems it has turned out to be the first Grin Improvement Proposal.


I wanted to bring up that we should probably move these proposals in git (either in mimblewimble/grin or a net-new repo dedicated to proposals).

I solemnly recommend to the community that we shorthand Grin Improvement Plan to GRIP, which can be short for Griphook, the name of a goblin who worked at gringotts and knew weaknesses in the banks security enough to break people in. Appropo. https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/griphook

Also of c ourse we can tell people to ”get a GRIP.”

I’ll be here all week.

There was a question in the lobby regarding the ability to contribute to a specific project (Confidential Assets) rather than the general fund.

Agenda updated

Good catch @garyyu, updated to clarify