
Nondeterministic order of MIME::Types.type_for

slonopotamus opened this issue · 9 comments

I ran a simple test case on multiple Ruby implementations:

    it 'is returns stable order for types with equal priority' do
      assert_equal %w(audio/webm video/webm),

On Travis CI, it passes with whole range of Rubies that you test against.

But it fails on my Windows 10 machine because actual return value is reversed (first video/webm, second audio/webm):

  1) Failure:
MIME::Types::registry::.type_for#test_0006_is returns stable order for types with equal priority [C:/Users/Marat/Documents/ruby-mime-types/test/test
Expected: ["audio/webm", "video/webm"]
  Actual: [#<MIME::Type: video/webm>, #<MIME::Type: audio/webm>]

My Ruby is:

$ ruby --version
ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x64-mingw32]

I also ran this test on GitHub Actions and it fails on Windows too. But note that Ruby--2.2 and 2.3 did pass on Windows.

UPD: I messed up everything a bit so had to update PR since it was initially created.

Thanks for the report. I don’t have access to a Windows machine to do this testing on. The implementation of MIME::Types#type_for is currently this:

  def type_for(filename)
    Array(filename).flat_map { |fn|
      @extension_index[fn.chomp.downcase[/\.?([^.]*?)$/, 1]]
    }.compact.inject(Set.new, :+).sort { |a, b|

Can you try this implementation instead?

  def type_for(filename)
    Array(filename).flat_map { |fn|
      @extension_index[fn.chomp.downcase[/\.?([^.]*?)$/, 1]]
    }.compact.uniq.sort { |a, b|

I’m not necessarily expecting any difference

I had to tweak your suggested variant a bit:

  def type_for(filename)
    Array(filename).flat_map { |fn|
      @extension_index[fn.chomp.downcase[/\.?([^.]*?)$/, 1]].to_a
    }.compact.uniq.sort { |a, b|

As you can see here, the picture is the same - Rubies 2.4+ on Windows get different order.

I believe the problem is in sort. Its docs say:

The result is not guaranteed to be stable. When the comparison of two elements returns +0+, the order of the elements is unpredictable.

There are ways to make it stable: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15442966

I found an even more interesting information about sort stability: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15442298/is-sort-in-ruby-stable/44486562#44486562

Good find. I would happily accept a PR that adds stability to the sort, but I have no time to do this myself.

Okay, I'll work on a PR. Just wanted to be sure that it is accepted as a valid bug.

It’s supposed to be stable.

Just found this ticket due to the differing order (for "file.mp4" in my case) of returned types. I see there's a PR but a comment on it saying something along the lines of "this might not be performant so I won't merge it".

Any chance of adding a flag / option to types_for / of to get this stable sort behavior in a way that's also backwards compatible?

I’ll need to look through the PR again.