
Generalisation of the Fenics material

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For the moment, a component should be created and added to the factory for each new added FEniCS materiel, and can be used like this
fenics_node.addObject('SaintVenantKirchhoff_FEniCS', template=element, young_modulus="3000", poisson_ratio="0.3")
fenics_node.addObject('HyperelasticForcefieldMaterial_FEniCS', printLog=True)

We would like to create a more general Fenics material component that takes as input the FEniCS generated code path and some compiler parameters, and can be used like this
fenics_node.addObject('FEniCS_material', path='../../FEniCS_code/' material="SaintVenantKirchhoff", compiler='gcc', compilerOption=" ")