
3 in 1 (ugly)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

make new-button text instead of boolean and allow write any
mayb it makes sense to do something like timeouts just for ncol?

includes #31 but tab-name-start

added tab-name-symbols allow to something like this:

!URxvt.tabbedex.tab-name-symbols: 01234567
!URxvt.tabbedex.tab-name-symbols: 0123456789ABCDEF
URxvt.tabbedex.tab-name-symbols: #0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωабвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя

or something other from unicode

+++ tabbedex.n	2020-01-08 03:01:51.175514180 +0300
@@ -648,27 +648,25 @@
 	my ($root) = @_;
 	my $ncol = $root->ncol;
-	my $new_button = '';
-	if ($root->{new_button}) {
-		if ($ncol >= 60) {
-			$new_button = '[NEW]';
-		} elsif ($ncol >= 30) {
-			$new_button = 'NEW';
-		} elsif ($ncol >= 13) {
-			$new_button = '+';
-		}
-	}
+	my $new_button = $root->{new_button} || '';
 	$ncol -= !!$new_button + length $new_button;
 	my $max = int(($ncol - 1) / 3) - 3;
 	$max = $max < 2 ? 1 : $max;
 	my ($total_truncated, $total_full, $cur_idx) = (-1, -1);
+	my $defname = $root->{tab_name_symbols}
+		? do{
+			sub baseX($@){$_[0]>0?baseX(int($_[0]/$#_),@_[1..$#_]).$_[$_[0]%$#_+1]:''}
+			my @symbs = split //, $root->{tab_name_symbols};
+			sub{ baseX($_[0] + $root->{tab_name_start}, @symbs) || $symbs[0] };
+		}
+		: sub{$_[0] + $root->{tab_name_start}};
 	my @names = map {
 		my $tab = $root->{tabs}[$_];
 		if ($tab == $root->{cur}) {
 			$cur_idx = $_;
-		my $name      = $tab->{name} || '' . ($_ + 1);
+		my $name      = $tab->{name} || $defname->($_);
 		my $length    = length $name;
 		$total_full      += 3 + $length;
 		$total_truncated += 3 + ($length < $max ? $length : $max);
@@ -1060,12 +1058,14 @@
    $root->{timeouts} = $root->parse_timeouts($rs->text(
       'tabbar-timeouts', '0:▁:3:▂:6:▃:9:▄:12:▅:15:▆:18:▇:21:█'));
    $root->{bell_timeout}     = $rs->text('bell-timeout', 1) + 0;
-   $root->{new_button}       = $rs->bool('new-button', 0);
+   $root->{new_button}       = $rs->text('new-button', '');
    $root->{tab_title}        = $rs->bool('title', 1);
    $root->{autohide}         = $rs->bool('autohide', 1);
    $root->{register_keysyms} = !$rs->bool('no-tabbedex-keys', 0);
    $root->{reopen_on_close}  = $rs->bool('reopen-on-close', 0);
    $root->{tab_arguments}    = $rs->text('tab-arguments', '');
+   $root->{tab_name_start}   = $rs->text('tab-name-start', 1);
+   $root->{tab_name_symbols} = $rs->text('tab-name-symbols', '');
    # TODO: Remove the warning in late 2020.
    if (defined $rs->text('new-tab-command')) {

added liltle prefomance

--- tabbedex.1	2020-01-08 03:02:37.767911757 +0300
+++ tabbedex	2020-01-08 03:27:34.483059190 +0300
@@ -648,16 +648,7 @@
 	my ($root) = @_;
 	my $ncol = $root->ncol;
-	my $new_button = '';
-	if ($root->{new_button}) {
-		if ($ncol >= 60) {
-			$new_button = '[NEW]';
-		} elsif ($ncol >= 30) {
-			$new_button = 'NEW';
-		} elsif ($ncol >= 13) {
-			$new_button = '+';
-		}
-	}
+	my $new_button = $root->{new_button} || '';
 	$ncol -= !!$new_button + length $new_button;
 	my $max = int(($ncol - 1) / 3) - 3;
@@ -668,7 +659,7 @@
 		if ($tab == $root->{cur}) {
 			$cur_idx = $_;
-		my $name      = $tab->{name} || '' . ($_ + 1);
+		my $name      = $tab->{name} || $root->{tab_name_default}($_);
 		my $length    = length $name;
 		$total_full      += 3 + $length;
 		$total_truncated += 3 + ($length < $max ? $length : $max);
@@ -1060,12 +1051,22 @@
    $root->{timeouts} = $root->parse_timeouts($rs->text(
       'tabbar-timeouts', '0:▁:3:▂:6:▃:9:▄:12:▅:15:▆:18:▇:21:█'));
    $root->{bell_timeout}     = $rs->text('bell-timeout', 1) + 0;
-   $root->{new_button}       = $rs->bool('new-button', 0);
+   $root->{new_button}       = $rs->text('new-button', '');
    $root->{tab_title}        = $rs->bool('title', 1);
    $root->{autohide}         = $rs->bool('autohide', 1);
    $root->{register_keysyms} = !$rs->bool('no-tabbedex-keys', 0);
    $root->{reopen_on_close}  = $rs->bool('reopen-on-close', 0);
    $root->{tab_arguments}    = $rs->text('tab-arguments', '');
+   $root->{tab_name_start}   = $rs->text('tab-name-start', 1);

+   $root->{tab_name_default} = $_
+	? do{
+	  sub baseX($@){$_[0]>0?baseX(int($_[0]/$#_),@_[1..$#_]).$_[$_[0]%$#_+1]:''}
+	  my @symbs = split //, $_;
+	  sub{ baseX($_[0] + $root->{tab_name_start}, @symbs) || $symbs[0] };
+	}
+	: sub{$_[0] + $root->{tab_name_start}}
+   for $rs->text('tab-name-symbols', '');
    # TODO: Remove the warning in late 2020.
    if (defined $rs->text('new-tab-command')) {

I could be convinced about new-button since that’d allow the button to be localised if someone is into that kind of thing, however two things would need to be changed:

  1. The old behaviour of new-button: false, new-button: true and all other supported forms for boolean values needs to be preserved.
  2. The button needs to be hidden if the terminal is to narrow.
  3. The text needs to be encoded via $root->special_encode.

tab-name-symbols on the other hand isn’t worthwhile especially since it requires adding quite a bit of ugly code.