
Using reinforcement learning and genetic algorithms to improve traffic flow and reduce vehicle waiting times in a single-lane two-way junction simulator by coordinating traffic signal schedules.

Primary LanguagePython


The project uses reinforcement learning and genetic algorithms to improve traffic flow and reduce vehicle waiting times in a single-lane two-way junction simulator by coordinating traffic signal schedules.

A complete 7-page project report is available here.


git clone https://github.com/yossidoctor/AI-Traffic-Lights-Controller.git
cd AI-Traffic-Lights-Controller
pip install -r requirements.txt


python main.py -m [method] -e [number of episodes] -r
  • -m or --method: specifies which method to use for the traffic light controller. The available methods are 'fc', 'lqf', 'qlearning', and 'search'.
  • -e or --episodes: specifies the number of evaluation episodes to run.
  • -r or --render: optional flag - displays the simulation window if included.

For example, this will run the default cycle method for 10 episodes and display the simulation window:

python main.py -m fc -e 10 -r