- 0
- 1
Document Dry Run Functionality
#187 opened by klnusbaum - 3
tfmigrate reports migration plan success when Terraform plan command returns an error
#140 opened by yardbirdsax - 1
High vulnerability in golang library
#175 opened by LuckyDucky583 - 0
- 1
Dynamic workspace
#91 opened by Michenux - 3
OpenTofu support
#162 opened by chenrui333 - 1
Add terraform >=1.1 moved resource documentation?
#163 opened by Firefishy - 1
split resources with dependencies.
#170 opened by chore1110 - 1
Error executing ftmigrate on MacOS 14.0 (ARM)
#168 opened by CommanderK5 - 0
- 4
multi_state xmv attempts to migrate data sources?
#159 opened by jkstpierre - 1
Possible to optimise multi_state_mv execution time?
#161 opened by bharling - 0
Possible to optimise multi_state_mv execution time?
#160 opened by bharling - 4
Feature request: support actions spanning multiple HCL files targeting the same projects
#154 opened by mdb - 2
Feature request: support skip_plan in state migration
#151 opened by mdb - 1
- 5
Feature request: support replace-provider
#144 opened by mdb - 3
Change tfmigrate-storage license from MPL2 to MIT
#146 opened by minamijoyo - 3
- 4
- 2
Reusability of terraform state command
#114 opened by kushaal-bafna - 5
Running in a Terraform Cloud Agent
#107 opened by yohanb - 1
- 9
[Feature Request] Besides Terraform, I would like to migrate state by using Terragrunt.
#34 opened by BeomSeo - 3
- 4
Cannot use `*` with tfmigrate actions
#136 opened by okkez - 7
- 1
Allow passing in a url to a tfmigrate file
#92 opened by nitrocode - 1
"compute a new state" takes a very long time
#74 opened by jbg - 3
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 2
Breaks with Terraform Cloud
#99 opened by dex4er - 0
Partial history storage configuration
#90 opened by Michenux - 5
Tool not working on windows
#89 opened by Olgoetz - 2
- 6
- 0
- 1
Pre-migrate Hook
#69 opened by gwkunze - 1
Failed to terraform apply with tfplan generated by tfmigrate plan --out=tfplan in Terraform 1.1
#62 opened by minamijoyo - 1
Build for Apple Silicon Macs (arm64)
#58 opened by teriu - 4
Doesn't seem to work with indexed resources
#51 opened by spilliams - 3
- 12
"multi_state" failed question
#43 opened by antigenius0910 - 3
- 6
- 7
Feature Request keeping temp plan output
#36 opened by victorgetz - 2