
Update carousel to new look in Bootstrap 3

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Well not really an issue, but just an update to do for new Alienship 1.0

Thanks for the reminder. The only thing it really lacks is the indicator icons, right?

I don't like the default captions they put in, because they're hard to read on top of many images. They need a background of some sort. I'll have to work that out.

Yes the new left /right Arrows/chevrons and the little circle dots on the bottom
I agree, the captions are not really readable. Maybe this could be an option for those who really need it.

The left/right arrows should be the new ones. They do have some alternative glyphicon ones that are bigger. I think I'll use those instead. I'll look at the carousel soon and fix up the captions, and possibly make them optional.

I've improved the visibility of the captions and added an option to disable them. If you grab the latest beta zip from my site you'll get the new option. After testing the left/right arrow thing a bit, I decided to leave those as the smaller versions because they detract less from the images.

Nice ! I personally prefer the big ones, but that's easy to implement.
I see finally you didn't go for the little dots/image indicators of the bottom part either, I suppose it requires some extra coding to make this "automatic".
It's great we can disable captions though , Thank you !

Actually I forgot about the dots. Ha! I'll take a look at that.

The latest update now has the indicators and an option to enable/disable them.

Beautiful, thanks!