Need to update code to look for .data instead of .attr
gtwilliams03 opened this issue · 2 comments
gtwilliams03 commented
.attr has been deprecated with jQuery 1.9 and 2.0 - so I expected to be able to call .data("percentage", 50) - but I had to call .attr("data-percentage", 50) - which is not compliant with the latest versions of jQuery.
Right now, I am just making both calls to be safe:
$("#editingProgressBar").find(".bar").data("percentage", percentage); // correct
$("#editingProgressBar").find(".bar").attr("data-percentage", percentage); // deprecated
minddust commented
in the 0.6 release i switched back to data but the aria attribute still requires attr method.
i will leave this open for futher discussions.
minddust commented
i'm considering this as closed cause there are no data attributes any more.