
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function Timmy\add_action()

njbarrett opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey guys,

Love your work. I'm having trouble getting Timmy working on my installation.
I have installed Timmy and Timber both via Composer, the latest versions of both.

In function.php I have the autoloader set, however it seems Timmy is loaded before the wp functions are available?

Here's the full error:

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function Timmy\add_action() in /Users/nick/Sites/xx/vendor/mindkomm/timmy/lib/Timmy.php on line 19
( ! ) Error: Call to undefined function Timmy\add_action() in /Users/nick/Sites/xx/vendor/mindkomm/timmy/lib/Timmy.php on line 19
Call Stack
#	Time	Memory	Function	Location
1	0.0001	370528	{main}( )	.../index.php:0
2	0.0001	370816	require( '/Users/nick/Sites/xx/www/wp/wp-blog-header.php' )	.../index.php:5
3	0.0001	371168	require_once( '/Users/nick/Sites/xx/www/wp/wp-load.php' )	.../wp-blog-header.php:13
4	0.0002	371944	require_once( '/Users/nick/Sites/xx/www/wp-config.php' )	.../wp-load.php:42
5	0.0002	373712	require_once( '/Users/nick/Sites/xx/vendor/autoload.php' )	.../wp-config.php:7
6	0.0004	389808	ComposerAutoloaderInit89b2a1fa8ec074114b3ea6f13e74d114::getLoader( )	.../autoload.php:7
7	0.0015	579048	composerRequire89b2a1fa8ec074114b3ea6f13e74d114( )	.../autoload_real.php:56
8	0.0015	579720	require( '/Users/nick/Sites/xx/vendor/mindkomm/timmy/init.php' )	.../autoload_real.php:66
9	0.0021	667432	Timmy\Timmy->__construct( )	.../init.php:7
10	0.0028	780264	Timmy\Timmy->init( )	.../Timmy.php:13

gchtr commented

Hey @njbarrett

It seems like PHP is trying to call the function add_action() in Timmy’s namespace (Timmy\add_action()) instead of the global namespace, where all the functions of WordPress are. Timmy waits for WordPress to be loaded and hooks into the after_setup_theme action. The easiest solution would of course be to prefix all global functions that Timmy calls with a \, but I’d like to understand what’s going on. I suspect the problem lies somewhere else.

  • What version of PHP are you using?
  • Where did you install Timber and Timmy? Did you install it inside the theme or the in the root of your WordPress installation.
  • Do you use the default WordPress installation/folder structure or a custom one (like Bedrock, for example)? From the call stack I see that your Composer libraries lie in vendor/, while WordPress is installed in www/wp/?

I'm having the same issue

Using PHP version 7.1
TImmy is installed in vendor folder in root directory
by using bedrock as a custom folder structure
with sage9 as a starter theme

gchtr commented

Okay. I will install Bedrock and look at this more closely.

gchtr commented

Alright. The problem was that Composer loaded init.php, which automatically initialized Timmy. Usually, when Timmy was installed in a theme, a developer would manually require vendor/autoload.php in functions.php and Timmy would initialize after WordPress was loaded. With Bedrock, Composer initializes earlier, when WordPress is not loaded yet. The workaround for this is to always initialize Timmy manually.

With the new version 0.12.1 you need to manually initialize Timmy in functions.php of your theme with:

new Timmy\Timmy();

You can add this right after you called new Timber\Timber();.

Thanks for raising this issue. I think this way Timmy will work in most "special" environments. Initializing Timmy automatically maybe was a good idea when I introduced it. I learnt a lot in the meantime and I think this change is the better way to do it 😊.

I’m closing this for now. In case it shouldn’t work, add your comments here.