new tag type Tag_Long_Array
pca006132 opened this issue · 4 comments
Although the specification is not here, according to MCP 1.12 pre 1, there is a new tag called the "Tag_Long_Array". The payload is similar to Tag_Byte_Array and Tag_Int_Array. The id of it is 12.
Minecraft can currently add this tag although it is not used anywhere (Players can give an item with that tag through something like give @p diamond_sword 1 0 {foo:[L;123l]}
, and that would cause the software to malfunction.). So update is required for this tag.
I wondered if this would ever come along.
I've test it in 1.12 release, it works. (The whole player data can't be viewed by NBTExplorer when there is an item with that tag)
As of snapshot 17w47a, this tag is used in the chunk format. Such an update is now needed for vanilla use.
thanks for letting me know about usage