Grouping of character classes doesn't work
Rovanion opened this issue · 2 comments
Rovanion commented
Let me begin by saying that I'm aware of the inverse character classes of \S
; then follow it up with the straight up example of #"[^\s]"
generating characters not \\
and s
instead of non-whitespace-characters.
(re-matches #"[^\s]" "a") ; => "a"
(require '[miner.strgen :as strgen]
'[clojure.spec.gen :as spec-gen])
(spec-gen/sample (strgen/string-generator #"[^\s]"))
; => ("\t" "p" "P" "1" "/" "&" "\n" "c" "\r" "u")
(spec-gen/sample (strgen/string-generator #"[\s\S]"))
; => ("\\" "s" "\\" "s" "S" "s" "s" "S" "\\" "S")
Perhaps the regex for a namespaced symbol, represented as a string, is a good example of why this is useful
miner commented
This should be fixed in version 0.1.3. Please give it a try.
Rovanion commented
Much better, cheers :D