
PyTorch Implementation of Online Training of Spiking Recurrent Neural Networks with Phase-Change Memory Synapses

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Training spiking recurrent nets with PCM synapses

PyTorch implementation of Online Training of Spiking Recurrent Neural Networks with Phase-Change Memory Synapses (available on arXiv).

The SRNN-PCM repository has three main components:

  • xbar.py implements the PCM crossbar array simulation framework.
  • srnn.py implements a spiking recurrent neural network (SRNN) whose weights can be emulated using PCM devices.
  • train.py trains the SRNN on a toy pattern generation task.

The SRNN-PCM uses e-prop learning rule to estimate the ideal gradients of the SRNN weights during the training, in online manner. But PCM non-idealities such as WRITE noise, asymmetric update or low bit resolution prevent implementation of the ideal weight change even if the non-biased gradient information is available. The SRNN-PCM supports commonly used weight update schemes in neuromorphic circuits such as sign-gradient update, stochastic update, multi-memristor architecture and mixed-precision training to cope with these non-idealities and evaluate the performances of implemented methods.

Example Usage

The repository supports the training of SRNNs either with FP32 weights or PCM devices in the differential configuration. The following examples show how to train a SRNN with different weight update schemes.

  • To train SRNN with a vanilla e-prop using FP32 weights :

python train.py --method vanilla

  • To train SRNN with e-prop but using sign-gradient method with PCM weights with stop learning regime :

python train.py --method sign --xbar True --grad_thr 0.9

  • To train SRNN with e-prop but using stochastic update method with PCM weights :

python train.py --method stochastic --xbar True --prob_scale 780

  • To train SRNN with e-prop but using multi-memristor method with 4 positive and 4 negative PCM devices per synapse :

python train.py --method multi-mem --xbar True --xbar_n 4

  • To train SRNN with e-prop but using mixed-precision method with PCM weights :

python train.py --method mixed-precision --xbar True

Optionally, you can choose to disable WRITE, READ noises and DRIFT by enabling perf-mode. In this mode the weights will be ideal low-precision memory elements. For example, to have stochastic update with 6-bits memory elements in differential mode:

  • To train SRNN with e-prop but using stochastic update method with 6-bits ideal weights (perf mode) :

python train.py --method mixed-precision --xbar True --perf True --xbar_res 6

Comparison of Multi-Memristor Performances

To investigate how using multiple memristors in a differential configuration inside a single synapse affects the WRITE operation statistics (as shown in Supplementary Note 3), run:

python xbar.py --write_method multi-mem --xbar_n 1.

The number of memristor pairs per synapse can be set by --xbar_n 1,8,16 to replicate Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, respectively.

PCM Device Model

Implemented PCM model

PCM crossbar array simulation framework is developed based on the PCM device model introduced by Nandakumar, S. R. et al, 2018. Using our simulation framework, it is possible to reproduce some model figures from Nandakumar et al.

  1. To replicate Figure 2: python xbar.py --replicate 2
  2. To replicate Figure 5, change Gmax to 20 µS (GPU is preferred): python xbar.py --replicate 5
  3. To replicate Figure 7: python xbar.py --replicate 7


Weight update schemes require different hyperparameters. The default hyperparameters works fine with vanilla e-prop training. For mixed-precision, following can be used:

python train.py --cuda=true --lr_inp=0.00033040801301504577 --lr_out=1.662028909434269e-05 --lr_rec=0.00039387187486665526 --method=mixed-precision --perf=false --reg=0.0008382720865299505 --thr=0.19252357575425721 --w_init_gain=0.23687602686903747 --xbar=true --xbar_scale=11.82503110296963


e-prop implementation is inspired by the PyTorch implementation from Charlotte Frenkel.


year = {2021}, 
title = {{Online Training of Spiking Recurrent Neural Networks with Phase-Change Memory Synapses}}, 
author = {Demirag, Yigit and Frenkel, Charlotte and Payvand, Melika and Indiveri, Giacomo}, 
journal = {arXiv}, 
eprint = {2108.01804}
