
Access etcd wach api without akka streams[Feature Request]

erangaeb opened this issue · 1 comments


Are there any possibility to access watch API without using akka-streams. Could you please provide some example?

Would that be possible to have KVService, setKey() function with the lease parameter?

You do ask me via email but I will post my reply here so that everyone can see it.

After revising the code. I did not expose all the underlying grpc APIs to the service layer (https://github.com/mingchuno/etcd4s/tree/master/etcd4s-core/src/main/scala/org/etcd4s/rpc)
The underlying PutRequest does have a much richer option to choose from. It is the same for the Watch API. I do wrap the Watch API with akka-stream for easier to use in the first place.
If I did not wrap the Watch API with akka-stream, the signature should be def watch(responseObserver: io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver[WatchResponse]): io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver[WatchRequest]

So for your question, I can redesign the APIs and expose more of the underlying services to lib user...What do you think?