
Dashboard unavailable on Port 9000

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Hi, I am unable to get the dashboard working when following the instructions. Once I run runsvdir-start& and then check using netstat -tap nothing has been established on port 9000. In the dashboard logs I am getting the following:

screen shot 2018-02-19 at 09 54 57

When I check pio status I am also getting this...
screen shot 2018-02-19 at 09 47 30

When I run ./run.sh in quickstartapp I get Failed to connect to localhost port 7070: Connection refused waiting for EventServer to come online...

I've managed to resolve this after finding someone online who had a similar issue.

"Are you using Docker for Mac? If so, the default Docker for Mac (and presumably Windows as well) configuration limits Docker to 2GB of memory. The default heap size for Elasticsearch 5.5.x is also 2GB which means the Elasticsearch container will immediately exit (it's killed due to out of memory).

I configured Docker for Mac to allow for more than 2GB of memory."