
-b and -n options not working?

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I tried the following options and neither one are generating 1 line or 1 byte in the beginning, then wait 100 seconds before logging 1 line or byte again:
flog -t log -n 1 -s 100 -w -l


flog -t log -b 1 -s 100 -w -l

Am I using it right? I want to generate 1 line every 100 seconds.


workaround: looks like if I take off -l and then I can just watch the command to generate log

-n is for the number of lines of logs to generate. In your case, you should use flog -t log -d 100 -w -l to generate 1 line of log every 100 seconds.

-s is for creation time interval for each log (in seconds). It does not actually sleep. But -d does.

But there is no option to generate a log in the beginning without waiting for the delay.

// flog.go
for {
	if delay > 0 {
	log := NewLog(option.Format, created)
	writer.Write([]byte(log + "\n"))
	created = created.Add(time.Duration(option.Sleep*float64(time.Second/time.Millisecond)) * time.Millisecond)

This helps @mingrammer !! Not sure how I missed it when reading the docs