
Preview my app

Opened this issue · 4 comments

My app is complete, please help me to preview /cc @chug2k

This is an excellent submission, but you haven't entirely followed the directions.

[ ] Required: Required: Settings page to change the default tip percentage.

You need a settings page to change the default tip percentage, which is the tip percentage selected when you first open the app. So far I only see one screen.

For an example of what I mean, check out the GIF from this student's submission: https://github.com/terryndb/Tipper. Your submission is much better, but this other student has followed all the directions.

Other than that, your submission is excellent, although I don't think you've used AutoLayout. That's okay, as we'll learn more about that in Week 2. Great job with the colors, and awesome job filtering the keyboard input. 👍 on UIView.animateWithDuration as well - very slick.

Do you think you could add a Settings page? I cannot accept you into the course until you finish the requirements for the assignment.

/cc @marcusellison @harley @minhchau273

Thanks you /cc @chug2k your great feedbacks.

I've updated the setting for percent tab and color theme as the directions, persistence user config storage and more user friendly with swipe to navigating back and forth.

This is my first app with iOS so it could not work smoothly and having more issues. Looking forward to hearing from you and the result.

Wow, is this really your first app? It is very advanced. Great job with implementing a custom delegate in the Settings Page. We'll learn more about delegates soon.

Congratulations, you're accepted to the class - see you on November 9th! We will email you at your coachingcloud.com email address soon with information about exactly where to meet! 🎉

/cc @marcusellison @harley @minhchau273

Thank you Charles, i'm very exciting to join the class - see you on Nov 9th.