
[Veronica] Scheduled Sequence Processed

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Summary of Repository Review

Vulnerabilities Reported:

From handler.c

  1. Memory Leaks:

    • The malloced memory for buf is not freed when send(sock, buf, size, 0) returns an error.
       str = malloc(100);
  2. Unchecked Return Value:

    • The return value of str2ba(bdstr_addr, &addr.l2_bdaddr) is not checked, which could lead to unexpected behavior if the function fails.
  3. Potential Buffer Overflow:

    • The bzero(buf, size) function does not check if size is within the bounds of the allocated memory for buf, potentially leading to a buffer overflow.
  4. Lack of Input Validation:

    • The function does not validate the input bdstr_addr and maxsize, possibly leading to unexpected behavior or crashes if invalid inputs are provided.
  5. Resource Leaks:

    • The socket sock is not closed in case of errors, which can lead to resource leaks.

From usage Function in bss.c

  1. Buffer Overflow:

    • The strcpy function used to copy strings into strcode may cause a buffer overflow if a string longer than BUFCODE characters is copied.
  2. Null Pointer Dereference:

    • If strcode is NULL in the default case, it can lead to a null pointer dereference if the function attempts to use it.

From General Code in bss.c

  1. Buffer Overflow:

    • The strncpy function could still cause a buffer overflow if argv[i] is longer than 18 characters due to unbounded length.
  2. Unvalidated User Input:

    • User input converted using atoi is not validated, leading to undefined behavior if the input is not a valid integer.
  3. Lack of Error Handling:

    • The return values of l2dos and l2fuzz functions are not checked, hence failures are not handled appropriately.
  4. Privilege Escalation:

    • The program checks if the user is root, but a non-root user can exploit setuid root programs.
  5. Code Quality:

    • The code is difficult to read and maintain due to complex logic and lack of comments.

From replay_packet/replay_l2cap_packet.c

  1. Potential Issues:
    • The code can be improved by checking the result of str2ba.
    • Proper handling for send(sock, replay_buggy_packet, SIZE, 0)) for error cases should be added.

From doc/reset_display_KV600i.c

  1. Buffer Overflow:

    • The buffer is filled with 'A' characters using memset, which may lead to a buffer overflow if SIZE is large.
  2. Unvalidated User Input:

    • The input argv[1] is not validated before setting addr.l2_bdaddr.
  3. Magic Numbers:

    • Usage of magic numbers such as FAKE_SIZE and SIZE without explanation.
  4. Missing Error Checking:

    • The return value of str2ba is not checked which might lead to unexpected behavior.
  5. Resource Leak:

    • Resources like sock and buffer are not released if an exit call is reached, leading to resource leaks.