
InputAdapter does not appear to honor Viewport when game window is resized.

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Running Mini2dx 2.0.0-beta17. Java 17. Windows 10. Screenbased game using Lwjgl3Mini2DxConfig.

If I resize the window after an InputAdapter has been created it appears the X/Y coordinates passed into the method are not projected onto the viewport coordinate system like they are before the resize. Code is below.

public class DesktopLauncher {
    public static void main(String[] arg) {
	Lwjgl3Mini2DxConfig config = new Lwjgl3Mini2DxConfig(SampleGame.GAME_IDENTIFIER);
	config.setWindowedMode(Constants.SCREEM_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEM_HEIGHT);
	new DesktopMini2DxGame(new SampleGame(), config);

public class SampleGame extends ScreenBasedGame {
    public static final String GAME_IDENTIFIER = "";

    private FitViewport fitViewport;

    public void initialise() {
	fitViewport = new FitViewport(Constants.SCREEM_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEM_HEIGHT);

	addScreen(new IntroScreen());
	addScreen(new StartScreen());
	addScreen(new GameOptionsScreen());
	addScreen(new MainMapScreen());

    public int getInitialScreenId() {
	return Screen.INTRO_SCREEN.getScreenId();

    public void render(Graphics g) {

    public void resize(int width, int height) {
	fitViewport.onResize(width, height);
	super.resize(width, height);

public class Constants {

    public static final int SCREEM_WIDTH = 1280;

    public static final int SCREEM_HEIGHT = 720;


Then in one of the screens create an InputAdapter as follows.

public void postTransitionIn(Transition transitionIn) {
Mdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputAdapter() {

    public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
	System.out.println("screenX: " + screenX);
        System.out.println("screenY: " + screenY);
	return super.touchDown(screenX, screenY, pointer, button);


Output before resize:
screenX: 1274
screenY: 712

and after resize (note: cooridinates are outside viewport size):
screenX: 2547
screenY: 1366