
miniverse - miniverse

mihbor opened this issue · 5 comments

Before you start, please update the issue title:

Example: Minima DEX - The A Team

✏️ Project & Team Details

  1. MiniDapp/Project Name [required, as used in your Google Form]: Provide the name of your MiniDapp/Project - miniverse

  2. MiniDapp/Project Description [optional, if changed from your application in Google Form]: Please provide a brief description of your MiniDapp/Project

  3. Team Name [optional, if changed from your application in Google Form]: Provide your team name

  4. Team Members [optional, if changed from your application in Google Form]: Please list names of all team members

1️⃣ Phase 1 Submission

For Phase 1, please upload the following
(paste the link to where you uploaded e.g. other cloud provider or GitHub (if more than 100MB) or Attach files by dragging & dropping, selecting or pasting them)

  1. A whitepaper or a pitch video with a description of the idea you have that includes: your idea, how it meets the criteria to be considered for the competition, the benefits it will bring to people and how the unique features of the Minima network can make a real difference/give an advantage to your solution.

miniverse whitepaper v2.pdf

  1. Upload Presentation: Upload any relevant presentations/slide decks you have created

miniverse v2.pptx

2️⃣ Phase 2 Submission

For Phase 2, please update your submission, providing the following:

  1. Code Repository Link: Provide a link to the Github URL (or other) for your MiniDapp/Project

  1. Upload MiniDapp: If your project includes a MiniDapp, please upload your MiniDapp - this should be a .zip file using the extension

  1. Upload Demo: Upload any demonstration videos you have created (optional)

📍 Other Comments

Optional - add any other comments regarding your submission

✔️ Checklist

Before you post the issue:

  • Make sure you have entered using this Google Form
  • You have followed the issue title format
  • You have provided all the information correctly and uploaded all required material for the Phase you are submitting for
  • You have read and agree with the terms in the Code Of Conduct

Hi Team! Can I please ask you to confirm that you are working on your final submission - the final deadline is 12th of September. Please try taking the continuous submission approach rather than send everything at once. This will help judges and show the journey you’re taking and the thought process.

Hi @martapiekarska ,
We're about half way to the deadline, so I'll outline the (little) progress made so far and what I think can still be achieved.
The source code can be found here:
Latest minidapp build:

All the minidapp does currently is:

  • accept a minima address and
  • for every coin found at that address renders a sphere with the Minima logo on it and a label with the coin amount, in 3D space

Screenshot 1 Miniverse app empty:

Screenshot 2 after entering address and hitting Go button, shows 2 coins of denomination 0.1 and 2:

The next steps:

  • add ability (for the address owner) to edit the position and orientation of the spheres
  • store these locations and orientations into the db via MDS sql commands
  • add text box to input a maxima address and send a message to that maxima address
  • on receipt of a message, the minidapp will send back over maxima the coin info along with the positions and orientations
  • on requester side, when a response is received, the minidapp will render the spheres in the positions and orientations as positioned by the address owner.

Additional fast-follow improvements (that probably will not fit into the PoC timescales), aka The Roadmap:

  • the coins should rendered taking the asset from the token JSON url, if an image, render as sphere texture, if a 3D model, e.g. .obj file, render that shape
  • the owner should be able to also change the shape of the object from sphere to something else, ideally able to import any 3D asset to represent the coin
  • coins representing an NFT token should not have their shape editable, only position and orientation
  • some generated landscape should be added (derived pseudo-randomly from the minima address itself, so that it looks random but is in fact deterministic)

A small update, implemented 2 of the "next steps" listed above:

  • add ability (for the address owner) to edit the position and orientation of the spheres
  • store these locations and orientations into the db via MDS sql commands

screenshot from desktop:
Screenshot (32)

The edit menu appears once you click on a ball on the screen and the coin it represents is "sendable" according to Minima's coins command, so you can only move around coins you own. The location is saved to the DB via MDS.sql command on each update and fetched from the DB whenever an address is entered in the text box and "Go!" button clicked.

Hi @mihbor is that the latest version of the project?

Yes, that's the latest