
IndexError: list index out of range

DeFiDude opened this issue · 7 comments

Python version: 3.8.3
Using the latest file

When attempting to retrieve tweets from a specific user it returns "IndexError: list index out of range"
When attempting to retrieve tweets from multiple users in a .txt file it returns "IndexError: list index out of range"

My usage:

python TWEETLIST.txt

I've used this same exact script (albeit the older version) with absolutely no problem. I even attempted to extract tweets using the previous working version and received the same index out of range issue.

It looks like you're hitting the same issue as #26, and #27,

The issue appears to be caused by the command in line 70 not retrieving the number of tweets for the username. I wasn't able to get the command to work correctly quickly, so I'll have to put some work into it. But, I have a workaround for you.

Run the code and specify the tweet limit in the command line so you can skip the command that isn't working:

python USERNAME 1000

Also, use the code in pull request #24, which you can clone from because it fixes other issues currently in the master.

Thanks for the quick response!

I used the workaround and it fixed the list out of range file, but I noticed the code in pull request #24 didn't allow me to use a .txt file for multiple users, so when I specified the .txt file (e.g. tweetlist.txt) it attempted to download tweets from "@tweetlist.txt".

I tried to use a previous version from April that I had used with a limit adding and it seemed to bypass the list out of range error again, though now it begins to download tweets for the first user at an extremely slow rate took like 1-2 minutes to gets 20 tweets.

Is there a version similar to #24 that allows downloading from multiple users?

It looks like you are experiencing the same issue as #22.

The multiple username download functionality was removed from the master. I'm still happy to bring it back if folks find it useful.

For now, the following repo has all the fixes in pull request #24 and multiple username download functionality.

The command appears to not be working in multiple versions of the twint library.

So, I removed the command from the code, which only removed the ability to approximate the total number of tweets for a username in the progress bar. You can still collect tweets just as you did before.

You can find the updated code, which doesn't require the workaround described above, in the repo below:

The command appears to not be working in multiple versions of the twint library.

So, I removed the command from the code, which only removed the ability to approximate the total number of tweets for a username in the progress bar. You can still collect tweets just as you did before.

You can find the updated code, which doesn't require the workaround described above, in the repo below:

Great, thanks a bunch. I haven’t tested it yet but will do so at my earliest convenience and I’ll close the issue assuming it works as expected.

Appreciate the help!

For future reference, this workaround no longer works. At this time, the most reliable way to collect tweets to train an AI/ML model is to follow the steps in the following repo.