
Does DirectPV officially support ARM64?

c0c0n3 opened this issue · 2 comments

c0c0n3 commented

There's no mention of processor architecture in the 4.0.6 docs

But if I look at the doc refactoring branch, it says there ARM64 is supported

Kubernetes >= v1.18 on GNU/Linux on amd64, arm64 or ppc64le.

Or is it? :-)

It doesn't look like it is, at least not straight out of the box? If I do a DirectPV 4.0.6 basic install on ARM64

$ kubectl directpv install

the following containers won't start

  • CSI node driver
  • Liveness probe
  • CSI provisioner
  • CSI resizer

The reason for that is the install command generates K8s manifests that use the following images


which were compiled for x86-84.

Is there any way to tell the installer to use multi-arch images, e.g. those mentioned in #592? Or is the only way to install on ARM64 manual? That is

  1. Generate manifests with kubectl directpv install -o yaml > install.arm64.yaml
  2. Edit install.arm64.yaml to replace the image listed above with e.g. those suggested in #592.

Or you don't actually support ARM64, so I shouldn't even attempt an install?

Thanks for clarifying!

The driver doesn't support other than GNU/Linux on amd64. I am fixing the doc bug.

c0c0n3 commented

@balamurugana thanks alot for clarifying, much appreciated!