Doctor does not start when trying to run it locally on Windows machine.
deekoder opened this issue · 17 comments
After following the stops to install via docker i have these two containers running:
but i can't access doctor at http://localhost:3000 because all browsers keep redirecting me to https and then saying the site can't provide a secure connection. I do run other apps in IIS in my windows environment so i'm currently looking to see if something there is being overbearing (even tho IIS should have no notion of port 3000)
ok this is because its running in the production mode in docker. Let me fix this issue.
@propagated - This is fixed. Please let me know if you think this is not fixed and needs to be reopened.
@deekoder i will test today! thanks
@deekoder I'm still experiencing this issue. I removed my previous doctor containers and followed the updated instructions in to rebuild them using docker compose, but http://localhost:3000 still redirects to https always.
@propagated - says it still does not work on windows. Reopening this bug.
ok so i finally got it running on Windows. The steps I followed were as follows -
- Install Rails 5 & Ruby 2.2 from this link :
- Install Postgres from here :
- Start postgres by going to the path where its installed Eg. C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin and start the service using
.\pg_ctl.exe -D ..\data start
- If you set up postgres with username & password, please add that information to config/database.yml file in the doctor repo. Example
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: db/doc_dev
username: <your postgres username>
password: <your postgres pwd>
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
- Install Git Bash for Windows from here :
git clone https:\\\minio\doctor.git
bundle install
gem uninstall bcrypt
and do a manual install using commandgem install bcrypt --platform=ruby
- Open Gemfile and add this line
'gem tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw]
and then do abundle install
- Comment out the first 3 lines of config/puma.rb On windows puma does not run on worker mode.
- Add SSL_CERT_FILE env variable as shown here Fetch the cacert.pem file and place it at C:\RailsInstaller\cacert.pem
- Get assets readied
bundle exec rake assets:precompile
- Start rails using
RAILS_ENV=development rails s
- Visit
Will need to get docker working for windows, considering how many steps are involved in the native setup.
@propagated - I finally got it working on docker also on windows. Here are the steps -
Install Docker for Windows. In my case it was called docker toolbox for windows
Configure docker from on windows till you can see the boot2docker image working fine. In my case I had to enable Virtualization in the bios. Basically you have to fix this : "VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration is not available on your system" on your system depending on what kind of hardware acceleration is available on your machine.
Git clone doctor repo. Use the Docker Quickstart prompt to do this step 3 and below.
Now do
RAILS_ENV=development docker-compose up -d
(you have to make suredocker-machine ls
is running. If it is, the docker-compose up command succeeds.docker ps
and see if docapp and docpg are successfully running. -
Finally do
docker-machine ls
output shows the tcp address on which your doctor will be running. -
If everything is running in step 5, Open the http://<ip from step 6>:3000 on your browser. http://localhost wont work on Windows, docker set up.
@propagated - did you say bundle install is failing? What is the error message?
@deekoder i was originally having trouble getting bundle to run, but i resolved that. Now the bundle is failing here:
I was originally having this issue with json 1.8.6 but i was able to resolve that by manually installing the package with gem install json -v '1.8.6' --platform=ruby --verbose
Installing using --platform=ruby --verbose
appears to be slowly working for each gem package.
@propagated - I recommend you try the docker on windows path. Both work and but bringing it up natively on windows was more cumbersome than getting it to work inside docker on windows.
Still testing on win10. Win8 is fine.
closing this as fixed.
@deekoder Are the steps any different on windows 10?