
"PresignedGetObjectAsync" Response-Content-Disposition is not respected?

loekensgard opened this issue · 0 comments

I've created an easy method for fetching presigned URLs from an S3 storage. All my documents are stored as GUIDs, and I'm attempting to modify the filename upon retrieval. It seems that setting the Content-Disposition should accomplish this task, but I'm encountering issues with its functionality.

  var args = new PresignedGetObjectArgs()
      .WithHeaders(new Dictionary<string, string> { 
          { "Response-Content-Disposition", $"attachment; filename={downloadName}" } 
  return await minioClient.PresignedGetObjectAsync(args);

The return string is returned with &response-content-disposition=attachment;, but is still downloaded as

From what I can see in earlier issues this should be working, could it be a breaking change from v4 to v6?