
Allow `changie batch` to operate across all projects within a monorepo using a single command.

ArvinJ-H opened this issue · 5 comments

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Describe the solution you'd like
changie batch should ideally work similarly to changie merge, where it automatically batch all the projects within the mono repo, instead of having to run batch for all projects in the mono repo

Describe alternatives you've considered
Having a custom script to run changie batch on a list of repo names.

Do you mean specifically for auto mode, or does all of your projects have the same version?

It was intended for auto, but now looking back, it seems our requirement demands a bit more on changie.

all of your projects have the same version?

nope, that's why I had another request for fetching version dynamically

I am working on a wrapper script to achieve these two functions at the same time, tho it would be great to have this feature natively supported by changie.

auto is what I was thinking for this, but yes having it support the normal batch versioning would be nice. We don't have all projects at the same version today, but it would make some things easier so it might happen.

It would be reasonable to allow changie batch auto to apply to all projects as each one would calculate the bump value based on auto rules. However, in all other cases it is expected that each projects versions are different and that bumping them all in tandem would not apply.

If you are just having one version for all projects and are releasing them at the same time, you wouldn't need the monorepo support and could just use a single shared changelog.

If you are just having one version for all projects and are releasing them at the same time, you wouldn't need the monorepo support and could just use a single shared changelog.

Not necessarily. We are also building a private monorepo for our premium plugins, and they are sold as individual products (in bundles, but each plugin has its own changelog).

They don't all use the same version today but we are considering that for the next release.