
Avoid duplicate entries

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Say I want to add some hint about bumped dependencies to my changelogs.
Using dependabot and/or Renovate, it would be natural to automatically create such entries as part of some workflow.

Now, if I don't add

Describe the solution you'd like

When I run

❯ changie new --kind Fixed --body "Bump dependencies"
❯ changie new --kind Fixed --body "Bump dependencies"


❯ changie batch --dry-run auto | grep 'Bump dependencies' | wc -l

should output 1.

Describe alternatives you've considered

In the workflow that adds the changelog entry, I could check whether changie batch already contains the desired line.
That feels clunky, though. Plus, I don't see a use case for ever including duplicate entries, so it seems more natural to solve this in changie.

One might also want to create an entry like

### Fixed

- Bump dependencies
  - some-lib -> v1.2.3
  - other-lib -> v3.2.1 

and accumlate bumps across multiple PRs. Not sure how to add that to changie workflows in any sane way.

hmm, I see what you are trying to say here. A few things come to mind.

  1. I don't usually mention dependencies in my changelogs unless there is some downstream impact, like a new tool or a major upgrade that actually affects them.
  2. But, regardless of the bump dependencies the point of deduplicating multiple identical messages is valid.
  3. One method you can do is to set the fragment format to just be say {{.Kind}}-{{.Body}} which will then not generate random values and thus create file conflicts if two identical fragments were found. ( I think there is a -f that will force the file if one already exists )
  4. Other then that, I don't think there is anything already built.

But, I am not sure changie really has any business in dealing with things like duplicate values or any other sort of release notes processing.

It could be possible to create a version footer with all version bumps, it would require a script probably or something though.

Going to close this, ultimately changie really just has no proper support for dependency tracking which is where this problem is based. Personally I do not track dependencies in my changelogs but if that is something you would prefer doing, there is really no automatic method as of now. It is definitely something I want to consider but currently I do not have much time right now.